7 Lemosho Route

The Lemosho route or road is one of the most beautiful access to the Kilimandjaro summit. It is also the road among the easiest and least frequented routes, offering panoramic views of many of the mountain’s slopes.

Climb Kilimanjaro for 7 days in Lemosho Route – This is a silent and unspoilt route, located at the remote part of the snow caped majestic Kilimanjaro.

It is a less frequent route up Kilimanjaro, coloured by beautiful flowers on the way to the Shira Plateau and thick mountain forest forming the home for forest dwellers.

Climbers sometimes use it to ascend the Western Breach Route, or follow it with the Kibo South Circuit to ascend by the easier Barafu Route. The first day of the route is rich in game animals.

What’s more with the Lemosho route ?

This route offers magnificent views of the West Kilimanjaro landscape.

The second part of this route links up with the Machame route and thus also leads through the magnificent Barranco wall.

The Lemosho route can be climbed in seven days. Running from west to east within the national park, the Lemosho Road crosses the Shira volcanic plateau, then joins the Machame route and Lava Tower (4,630m).

This route offers superb views of Mawenzi (5,149m) and the eternal snows of Kibo, allowing for gradual acclimatization.

Lemosho route itinerary

Arrival and pick from Airport and transferred to the hotel here in Arusha for dinner and overnight (bed and breakfast included).

Hiking time: ~ 3 hours
Altitude: 2750 meters above the sea level
Start early after breakfast and brief from our professionals, drive by 4×4 safari jeep to the Londros Park Gate to fill out minor paper work. 

Proceed to the Lemosho Gate located silent in the medley of the bush and eat lunch within the rhythm of nature while you gain spirit to start your climb toward Mti Mkubwa Campsite for dinner and overnight. 

Your porters, having arrived at the camp site long before you, have set up the tents for you. 

Dinner is served is a Mess Tent and thereafter retire to you tents for the first night in the mountain where during the night temperature can drop to 1 degree centigrade.

Hiking time: 6-7 hours
Altitude: 3504 m
Depart Mti Mkubwa Camp after breakfastand, walk through the remaining part of the forest witnessing the changing of climatic zone.

 Gradually find yourself in the giant heather moorland zone, have your lunch at valley door of the Shira crater.

After, continue heading to the Shira Cathedral to arrive at the Shira 1 campsite.

Hiking time: ~ 4 hours Altitude: 3873 m
A gentle walk through the Shira Plateau on the moorland vegetation with magnificent view of the Western-breach from the eastern with all its stunning glaciers. A good day for acclimatizing, arriving at the Shira campsite for Hot lunch.

Hiking time: ~7 hours
Altitude: 3985 m
As you depart from Shira campsite you will enter the alpine zone – a barren moonscape of semi desert where only some grasses and a few lichens survive. 

Eat a hot lunch at the half way point before your start conquering the rocky landscape struggling to reach the Lava Tower for the highest acclimatization 4630mtrs. 

The first effects of high altitude will start to materialize before descending down through Giant Lobelia and Senecia plants to Barranko camp for dinner and overnight at altitude of 3985mtrs. 

The camp is nestled dramatically beneath the Great Baranco wall below the Western-breach which should provides you with a great sunset.

Hiking time: ~7 hours
Altitude: 4550 m
After spending a night at the Great Barranco Wall (a very imposing sight at first), you make your way up this awesome looking obstacle, which in the end normally turns out easier than what you anticipated. 

Topping out just below the Heim Glacier, you now appreciate just how beautiful Kilimanjaro really is. The route then heads down through the Karanga Valley over intervening ridges and valleys, with the last water point in the mountain. Turn left up the ridge and in about one hour you arrives at Barafu Camp. 

“Barafu” is the Swahili word for “ice” and it is a bleak and inhospitable camping area to spend the night. Totally exposed to the omnipresent gales the tents are pitched on a narrow, stony, and dangerous ridge. Make sure that you familiarize yourself with the terrain before dark to avoid any accidents. 

The summit is now a further 1345m up and you will make the final ascent the same night. Prepare your equipment, ski stick and thermal clothing for your summit attempt. This should include the replacement of your headlamp and camera batteries and make sure you have a spare set available as well. 

To prevent freezing it will be wise to carry your water in a thermal flask. Go to bed at round about 19h00 and try to get some precious rest and sleep for not more than 5 Hours.

Hiking time: ~11 hours
Altitude: 3100 m
You will rise around 23h30, and after some tea and biscuits you shuffle off into the night. You will head in a northwesterly direction and ascend through heavy scree towards Stella Point on the crater rim. 

This 6-hour walk to Stella point is for many climbers, mentally and physically the most challenging on the route. At Stella Point (5685m) you will stop for a short rest and will be rewarded with the most magnificent sunrise you are ever likely to see (weather permitting). From Stella Point you will normally encounter snow all the way on your 2-hour ascent to Uhuru Peak. 

The time you will spend on the summit will depend on the weather conditions. Do not stop here for too long, as it will be extremely difficult to start again due to cold and fatigue. Enjoy your accomplishment and a day to remember for the rest of your live. 

The walk back to Barafu from the summit, takes about 3 hours. Here you will have a well earned but short rest and collect the rest of your gear, before heading down to Mweka hut (3100m). 

The route is not difficult and will take you down the rock and scree path into the moorland and eventually into the forest. The camp is situated in the upper forest and mist or rain can be expected in the late afternoon. 

Dinner, and washing water will be prepared and drinking water, soft drinks, chocolates and beer is available from the camp office.

Ascend further down to the mountain gate through the mountain forest, easy walk and we pick you up from the gate and drive to Arusha for dinner and overnight at your Hotel or drive directly at the airport for flying back home.

The End of 7 Days Lemosho Route